Find Local Produce

Use the map, search, or browse features to track down farm stands and produce on and around Vancouver Island.

Contribute to the List

Anyone can submit a basic farm stand listing to Island Farm Stands, no registration is required. If you see an active farm stand that’s not yet on the site, add it! If you know of a listing on the site that is no longer active, mark it as closed.

Manage your Farm Stand listing

If you own a farm stand, register, and create an Advanced listing or claim your existing listing to unlock a sweet deck of features reserved for owners.


About Us

Island Farm Stands is a crowd-sourced, map-based business directory for farm stands in Victoria and around Vancouver Island. Our goal is to enable people to easily locate locally grown produce.

This platform was conceived of, built, and partially populated by us, Anya and Alan. We’re constantly on the look-out for places where we can source local goods, and wanted to make it easier for everyone to discover new farm stands. If you have any feedback or questions, we’d love to hear from you! Send us an email at [email protected] or use the form at the bottom of this page.

Island Farm Stands is our passion project. It is entirely free to use, has no revenue model, and incurs ongoing costs to maintain. Click here if you’d like to assist with our costs.


Yah, we’re on instagram too!


How do I submit a farm stand?

Anyone can submit a basic farm stand listing to Island Farm Stands. If you own a farm stand and would like to submit it to the website, register and visit the Create an Advanced Listing page to unlock some extra listing features and maintain your listing.

My farm stand is listed, can I claim it?

You sure can. First you’ll need to register for the site. Once that’s out of the way, log in and find your listing on the map and click View Listing to visit your farm stands listing page.  On your farm stands page, click the green Claim Listing button. Clicking this button will make you the owner of the listing, and will transform the listing into an advanced listing. If you do not see the Claim Listing button, you’re either not logged in, or the listing has already been claimed. If you believe a listing has been wrongly claimed, contact us at [email protected].

Are all farm stand submissions approved?

Almost all submissions are approved. That said, Island Farm Stands is intended to be a database of smaller, neighborhood farm stands. So larger, more commercial operations may not be approved to be listed in the database.

My farm stand is closed, can I remove it from the site?

Sure thing. Just navigate to the listing and click the Mark as Closed button. Fill in the form to request that the stand is removed. Sorry to see you go!

Submit Feedback

If you’d like to get in touch feel free to use this contact form or email us at [email protected].

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    Legal Disclaimer

    The content on Island Farm Stands is crowd-sourced and user-submitted. Island Farm Stands is not responsible for the authenticity, ownership, or copyright concerns around the material that users upload to the platform.