We sell seasonal garden surplus food inlcuding eggs, vegetables, fruit, flowers, herbs, jams, jellies and homebaked goods.
Homemade goat soap, Eggs , beans ,peas , cucumbers, tomatoes, lattice flower baskets, lattices, come see what we have seasonally
Eggs, garlic, flowers, duck eggs, preserves, jams
Flowers, pears
Eggs, chickens
Eggs, tomatoes, kale, basil, zucchini, parsley, peas, cucumbers, eggplant
Eggs, rhubarb, garlic, apples
Squash, Zucchini, Kale, Assorted Herbs
Eggs, raspberries
Update May 2024
Veggie Starts for sale! Heirloom Tomatoes, Kale Herbs Flowers
Peppers coming May 10
Cucumbers and Squash soon
Zuchinni, kale, chard, cucumber, Pati pan, tomato, cherry tomato, eggplant, eggs, flowers, herbs
Blueberries, chard, kale, parsley, beans, tomatoes, carrots, celery, beets, onions, garlic, melons, strawberries and more...
Zucchini, Cucumber, Chard, Kale, Lettuce, Flowers
Kale, Plums, tomatoes, carrots
Spring/Summer: Pasture-raised eggs, veggies, plant starts, & herbs
Winter: Pasture-raised rainbow eggs & culinary herbs
Indoor Succulent plants, outdoor plants, Seasonal Flowers, Eggs, (limited availability, come chat to me), veggies, fruit
Variety of floral bouquets
And garden finds
Eggs, kale, chard, zucchini, pattypans, rhubarb, jams, homemade art cards